Friday, 20 February 2009

Missing In Action & Plee For Help

As many of you may have noticed I've vanished off of the radar a bit. Things have been pretty hectic my end! Lets see... GCSE Mocks, not pretty I'm telling you, lots of magazine work and magazine photo shoots, oh and the incredible amount of accidents I've managed to have in the past two weeks since I received from being sick... I have a bruised nose and upper lip from being hit in the face with a Lacrosse stick while playing Lacrosse (now I know why we have to wear gum shields - I would have lost some of my front teeth!), bruised and swollen wrist from very same Lacrosse session, and a big bruise on my forehead from opening a car door into my face (I know... I'm a klutz!). It didn't bruise at the time but coming back from a photo shoot I hit my head with the camera so NOW its bruised!

So in short I've been being a bit of an idiot. Then I had History coursework: 'Why is the Battle of the Somme regarded as such a great military tragedy' and 'Is there sufficient evidence in Sources A to G to support the Modern Military Historian John Keegans’s view that Haig was an ‘efficient and highly skilled soldier who did much to lead Britain to victory in the First World War’?'

I think you get the picture.

Now onto campaign ish stuff...

I'm stuck. I'm trying to think of a stunt. I;m trying to think of stuff to do... I'm out of ideas!

So if anyone has ANY send them in... I'm DESPERATE!!!



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