Sunday, 1 February 2009

Help Me Get Well!

Just because I'm ill, and bored, I decided to google my Battlefront campaign and I found the teaching notes for my Battlefront episode on the Channel 4 education website and a list of activities for PSHE, PVE and Citizenship teachers to get their classes to do after spending 1/2 an hour of being tortured by my presence on the big screen of their classroom... 

Some of these questions I think are really good, but predictable, but some of them I really wanna know what peoples answers to them are! So it would be really fantastic if you guys could answer them for me, either in a comment to the blog, or a Bebo page comment or a Battlefront comment or an email... you know the drill! 

And I really wanna read your answers! You'd all be contributing to me getting better quicker!!! 

1. What is Rachel's opinion of images of models and celebrities in the media? (Ok, I know what MY opinion is, but I wanna know if I got my message across right!) 

2. How much impact do you think Rachel's online magazine will have?

3. Who helps out Rachel the most and why? (Again, I know who helped me the most but I'm curious to your ideas on this...) 

4. How would you promote the use of healthy-weight models in fashion photographs? 

And finally, I may be digging my own grave here... but after seeing the question I just had to ask...

5. Rachel is a healthy size - how does she look? 

For a full list of the questions check out the page I got them from here:

And I can't wait to hear your answers!!!



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