Saturday, 27 September 2008

Join The Cause!

You are my favorite person today. You've found my first blog post for my Anti Size 0 campaign I'm doing with Channel 4's Battlefront project! (

This blog post is basically a little something to say hi to you guys, tell you a little bit about what I'm going to be getting up to to promote the cause and a little bit to tell you about how you can show your support too!

On Tuesday my best friend Kathryn and I are gonna be hanging round the little city of Canterbury (High street and Whitefriars for those of you who know the place) and we're gonna be hunting for models. We're looking for two girls, aged 15-19 to join our campaign. To be the 'faces' of it if you like! What better way to show the fashion industry we don't need size 0 models that showing that real girls can do the same job just as well, if not ten times better!

Also I'm gonna be making a 10 min. mini documentary (which will, once I've made it be viewable on the Anti Size Zero Bebo and Vimeo pages) which I hope to be able to show as many fashion designers, magazine editors, modeling agencies and as many powerful, people in the fashion industry as possible. Hopefully the film will show them what they are doing to woman across the country by casting size 0 models in their shows and in their photo shoots. After all what you see on the pages of the magazine is supposedly what your supposed to aspire to!

The anti size 0 campaign is on almost social network you can think of, so show us your love by joining us on any sites your a member of! We want to spread the word and help the change!






Also if you go to my page on the official Battlefront website ( you can embed the Battlefront badge onto any page that allows HTML to show your support!



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