Saturday, 4 October 2008


Hey all! Sorry I haven't been keeping you updated this week... lots of school work! I finished lessons at one today and I went straight off to start sorting things out for the up coming 'Real Girls' photoshoot.

First off I walked down to Armoire - the fantastic little boutique who have greed to lend us clothes for the shoot! I was really glad when Sophie, the owned agreed to lending us clothes as I think that the stuff in there is perfect for our cause. The point of the shoot is to show that real girls, not just super skinny models can look fantastic too and in Armoire every single dress (thats not including the cute little accessories!) look fantastic, and any woman of any size could find something they'd look fabulous in in there! I even got side tracked and tried on a gorgeous little purple satin dress which I'm going to use in either that colour, red or green in the shoot!

Then I went round (this is the surprisingly boring bit!) and spent hours finding the right colours and types of make up for the models!

So now almost all the organizing is done, I have a photographer, hopefully a make-up artist an stylist, and 1.5 models (one is unconfirmed!) and a location and almost a date!

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